This morning I woke up and thought...ughhh work...then immediately as if a switch went off I is gonna be a good day! That thought set the tone for the entire day. With that said, today truly wasn't that great. Okay, yes it's paradoxical but keep reading... I got dressed and pulled my hair back into a puff. The first time it was too small, the second time it was too big, and the third time it looked as if I had kind of a shag thing going on... Not Cute :/. The fourth and final attempt was not great, but I fluffed and said 2 tears in a bucket! Then holy crap I was 5 minutes late leaving the house which meant my kids would be less than or equal to 5 minutes late for school (I have it down to a science). I got the kids to school exactly 2 minutes late and luckily the door was still open so they were able to run in without getting tardy slips. When I got to work and opened my email, the first thing I saw in my inbox was an email from someone that I never wish to hear from...ever again in life. I'll save that story for my book ;o). When I read it, I immediately went into a dark place and again the switch went off. I'm not gonna let this ruin my day! Instead I began going through my things-to-do list that I wrote just before bed and I began checking things off. I continued to maneuver through my workday thinking positive thoughts. Near the end of the day, I received yet another email from the same person. This time I responded...very professionally I might add... and I still decided not to let it take me off course so I continued with my agenda. So you see my day wasn't that great... What made the difference though is how I dealt with things. For the past couple of weeks I've been really down. Granted I'm dealing with a lot, but generally I don't stay in a funk for this long. I started doing some research and found this excellent blog entry by Zen Habits:
And while this blog has some great points, I was already doing most of the things listed... I'm a compulsive to-do lister! What I was struggling with was making myself DO the things I had written down. So the question remains, how do you conquer a lack of motivation...get out of that funk...shake off the blues??? Drum rollllllll...the answer is positive thought. I know it sounds waaay too simplistic, but really that's it. Yes, sh!t is going to happen inevitably but it's all in how you deal with it. So my tips to picking yourself up are:
(1) When negative thoughts enter your mind, counteract them with positive thoughts
(2) Don't dwell on the inevitable BS (when you realize you are, refer to tip #1)
(3) Stay busy (we all know the old adage about the idle mind...)
I'm going to post these somewhere until they're indelibly etched in my mind! Hope you do the same!!!